3 Things That Helped Our Church Break 200

Alright, this will be super practical today.

Here’s 3 things that helped our church break 200:

1) Developing The Core

It’s been said that you’ll have 10 members for every 1 leader at your church.

And now from experience I think that’s true!

Early days at our church I spent a TON of time mentoring/discipling emerging leaders and it paid off big time…

We grew from 50 to over 1500 people from our first Easter Sunday to the last one in 7 years.

And it wouldn’t be possible without God moving in a major way THROUGH an incredible team of leaders that lay their life down.

Most pastors need more HELP.

And that help isn’t coming unless you raise up your team.

So stop focusing on the crowd and start focusing on the core.

2) Constant Invitation

We have an invite to church on Facebook, YouTube, TV, etc 24/7/365.

That way anytime, anyone is even a tiny bit open to coming…they know exactly where to go!

I believe the Holy Spirit is already at work in the hearts of the people around our church.

So we’re faithful to invite people…and guess what?

It works!

We see first time guests every Sunday of the year.

And that’s been consistent for years.

Want to learn the exact step by step process?

3) Big Days

Big days are where you put a disproportionate amount of time, energy, prayer, focus, and resources into inviting as many people as possible to a special Sunday.

Easter is kind of an automatic Big Day in most places.

But we do at least 3 per year with regularity.

Big Days give your team vision for growth and build HUGE momentum!

Everyone in the church loves to see new people flooding in the doors and responding to Christ.

In conjunction with constant invitation…Big Days are how we broke the 200 barrier and beyond.

Well, that’s all I have time for today!

Hope it was a blessing.

If you are a pastor or church staff member that is serious about seeing your church grow I’d love to help you.

I host a weekly group called UpLevel Leader with incredible pastors from around the world.

We talk about church growth, leadership, making disciples, and more!

Dozens of churches in our group have doubled, tripled, or more through working together.

God bless,

Pastor Jake