3 Ways To Create Monday Momentum

For Lead Pastors...

Yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday and church was great but…

I think attendance was low with people prepping their watch parties, etc.

I told my wife, “That’s a tough day when you’re going up maybe the biggest false idol in our culture!”

Don’t get me wrong…I love football and I’m not just sour because my 49ers came in second…ouch.

It was an interesting day.

I could feel the divided pull as many believers cared more about a football game than the work of the kingdom.

But this isn’t a complaint.

It’s a lesson.

Because now the game is over and it’s time to learn how to wrestle back momentum on Monday!

Thing is…church is a momentum machine.

You’re either gaining or losing.

So here’s a couple quick tips on how to gain momentum today and every Monday from here on out…

1) Recast vision

Vision is one of the most powerful tools in your leadership toolbelt.

But many leaders use it sparingly and infrequently.

That’s a mistake.

Shout your vision from the rooftops to as many people as will listen!

Don’t keep vision locked in your inner circle.

Share it with one and all…

Because vision is nothing until it is shared!

I recently told our communication director that we need to get better at “inside marketing” which is just a fancy way of saying we need to communicate with our own people better. And specifically I want us to talk more about missions, groups, and generosity.

Because what you “see” is what you “get.”

On a practical note, you can cast vision using your church, social media accounts, email newsletter, or private groups, such as Facebook or on Church Flow Pro.

Our church has recently started using Church Flow and the plan is to use it for texting, private groups, email, and more. Click here to check it out.

2) Reconnect with the Lord

After the hustle and bustle of Sunday has passed it’s time to spend some time with Jesus!

Yeah, I know we should do this every day but I think there’s something powerful about leaving the stage and running to the prayer closet.

Monday is a wonderful time to reconnect with the Lord in prayer.

Not for business but for intimacy. Just diving into His presence!

Get into worship and let the joy of the Lord be your strength!

3) Map out your weekly game plan

I typically work on church stuff Monday-Thursday (and a little on Friday).

So, Monday am I will typically map out my week.

I put the “Big Rocks” (important stuff) in first.

My anchor meetings, sermon prep, prayer times, etc.

Then I sprinkle in the “sand” (less important stuff)…like appointments, projects ,etc.

Mapping it out on Monday gives me a plan for the week and a clear target where I can hit my daily beats and then rest easy knowing I’m on track for a winning week.

I want to be able to answer these questions by Thursday evening:

  • Do I have a timely, relevant, well-prepared, and prayed over sermon for Sunday?

  • Have I met with at least 1-3 developing leaders?

  • Have I encouraged/equipped my staff and core team?

  • Did I make measurable progress on my long-term projects and goals?

Mapping out the game plan on Monday gives me a track to run on so I can say YES to those questions when the work is done.

No plan means no ability to measure or say, “Done!” on a project or task.

OK, that’s all I have time for today!

Hope it helps…

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Talk soon,
