4 Ways To Create A Discipleship Factory

We're putting 100% of our focus on making disciples this year.

And no, that doesn't mean ignoring lost people and gathering stodgy, stuck-in-the-mud believers into navel-gazing, dry as cracker juice small groups!

It is both reaching AND developing people for Christ.

Here are 4 ways we're doing it.

1) Using Facebook ads and other outreach mediums to connect with people

You can't disciple people you've never met or who aren't paying attention!

This is why I'm always harping on you to use Facebook ads to reach more people. Why? Because it works!

Churches face two barriers: ignorance and apathy.

Doesn't matter HOW you do it...but you've got to break those barriers down down down...

2) Creating content to establish people in the Word, the faith, and community

We're setting up a platform that we're loading with short, actionable training videos to teach people how to follow Jesus!

3) Scheduling times to equip our team

A few times this year we'll have either live or virtual calls with our Dream Team and group leaders, etc to purposefully equip them to do ministry more effectively. Equipping means giving someone the right tool for the job you've assigned them to do. Pastor, are you equipping your people?

4) Purposefully developing and releasing leaders

My wife and I run a group called LIFT that is invite-only.

And at that group we teach and train leaders how to lead with passion, purpose, and effectiveness.

Then we send them out with a challenge to lead other people through a LIFT group.

The goal is for disciples to make disciples!

Follow those 4 steps and I believe you will be very fruitful indeed!

And if you want more ideas and training on how to catalyze growth and momentum in your church check out this resource right here!

Thanks for being the best part of my day. I'm praying for your and believing for God's best blessings in your life and church!

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake