
What's It About?

Something I believe in strongly…

That’s gonna make a HUGE difference in your success as a pastor and leader…


“Jake, what does that even mean?”

Always Be Learning!

And never stop.

Read, watch, listen.

Do whatever you want to learn…

But just keep doing it.

Here’s the thing…

There’s no such thing as a growing church without a growing leader!

How can I say that with 100% confidence?

Because it’s a Biblical principle!

The Law of Sowing and Reaping.

What you sow you’ll reap.

If you sow into personal growth as a leader you’re going to invite growth into everything your leadership touches.

That’s why I practice A.B.L. (always be learning).

I read pretty much everything that interests me (fiction, non-fiction).

I watch a lot of YouTube about finance and investing!

I take courses…

And I certainly LOVE collaborative learning environments like UpLevel Leader where iron sharpens iron.

So, let me ask you a question?

Always be learning,

Pastor Jake