Action Bias Or Waiting On The Lord?

The breakthrough concept the business community taught me about pastoring

As a local church pastor that also operates a business online I’ve had my feet in two worlds.

And I’ve learned a ton from both!

One of the things I’ve picked up from my peeps in the online biz space is a concept called “action bias.”

Action bias means your default mode is to “do something” rather than “do nothing.”

You don’t let analysis paralysis stop you.

Once you’re roughly pointed in the right direction you take off like a rocket!

That was a big shift for me…

Because growing up as a PK (pastor’s kid) I heard thousands of sermons over the years about waiting on the Lord.

Value was placed on waiting…not taking action.

But as I’ve grown as a leader (hopefully!) I’ve come to realize these are both valuable postures.

Of course, as spiritual leaders (also leading natural organizations with staff, buildings, and budgets) we need to wait on the Lord.

Like Moses, we say, “Lord, if you don’t go with us…we won’t go!”

One of our core values at Joy Church is that we’re “directed and sustained by the presence of God.”

We’re a presence driven church more than a strategic one.

We depend on the Word of the Lord and the presence of God to transform lives!

But that mindset can become an excuse for neglecting strategic action.

Here’s what I mean…

Over the years (growing up in church) I’ve heard thousands (probably tens of thousands) of prayers about revival.

They go something like this…

“God send revival! Change our city. Let thousands of people come to know you. Send a fire. Send a rain.”

That type of prayer.

Nothing wrong with that of course…we need to pray!

But what if God already said yes?

What if God is already at work changing hearts and minds in the people around our churches?

I’d bet my bottom dollar He is!

Because the Bible is clear on this.

First, the Holy Spirit is convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and the judgement to come.

John 16:8 — New Living Translation (NLT)

8 And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment.

Second, Jesus told us that the harvest is white.

He commanded us to pray for more laborers to bring in the harvest!

You don’t need harvesters unless the harvest is ready to be reaped.

Are you with me?

Here’s my point.

Sometimes we pray for…

Already Answered Prayers!

And in those cases, it’s time to take ACTION.

Not weak, half-hearted action…massive action.

Here’s 5 things I’ve learned from the business community about this bias toward action:

  1. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. (I guess this is technically from the sports world…thanks Gretzky)

  2. Action leads to learning.

  3. Bigger actions = faster feedback.

  4. Faster feedback = faster results.

  5. All success comes from taking action.

I’m going to break down those 5 items in an upcoming premium issue of The Leader Letter so stay tuned for that…

Well, that’s all I’ve got for you today…

Hope it helps!

Have a great day,

Pastor Jake