As Goes The Leader...

Get This Right And You Win!

I spent this week with over a 1,000 pastors at a conference…

It was a great time of worshiping and learning together.

And the event only reinforced something I strongly believe…

As goes the leader…so goes the church!

God chooses to use LEADERS to carry out His work within the church.

In Ephesians 4 we see that the five-fold leaders are called to EQUIP the people of God to do the work of the ministry.

In Romans we’re told that “those who have the gift of leadership should use it well.”

In Corinthians we see that leaders “plant” and another “waters” but God brings the increase.

The common thread is that God chooses to use leaders to accomplish His plans and purposes.

Leadership matters!

That’s why a few years ago I stopped focusing on courses and opened UpLevel Leader to provide a comprehensive coaching group for pastors.

Healthy leaders raise up healthy churches.

And healthy churches grow!

Healthy leaders go the distance.

Healthy leaders walk in joy.

UpLevel Leader exists to: Grow the Leader. Grow the Church.

The most important growth first takes place in the heart of the leader.

Are you ready to massively level up your leadership and see your church reach more people and grow?

Come be a part of UpLevel Leader.

Click here to learn more (and don’t hesitate to reply to this email with any questions).

The value of a coach and a community is impossible to quantify.

But I’ve seen churches double, triple, and more in less than a year working with me in UpLevel Leader.

Now it’s your turn.

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake

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