Better Leadership. Less Work.

What's Not To Love?

Let’s talk about one of the most powerful leadership secrets hiding in plain sight…

That allows you to lead better, with more impact and results…while doing WAY less than you might think…

It’s called: “Strategic Simplicity.”

Here’s how I use it as a pastor.

At Joy Church we’ve said since the beginning that our model is: Great Sundays. Great Small Groups.

That’s it.

We don’t do anything else.

Now you might be huffing and puffing while reading this saying, “Whaddya mean you don’t do anything else? Nuthin!?”

Well, if you were to come be a member of the church for a few months you’d see a lot going on that might not seem to fit into one of those two buckets but…

99% of what we do as a church flows into or out of those two categories.

Here’s why…

Our mission is to make disciples.

Sunday is the entry point. Small groups are the destination. Empowered disciples and leaders expanding the kingdom are the goal!

That’s it.

Keeping it simple allows us to throw ALL our weight behind those two initiatives.

Other benefits?

Simple strategy = easy to measure.

Is it working or not?

It’s easy to see when you’re not working on 19 different things at the same time!

Simple strategy = higher impact.

Fewer lanes means more time, energy, resources, and attention can go into what matters.

If it doesn’t lead to multiplication we don’t do it!

We know that improving Sundays and Small Groups is what leads to multiplication in our context.

Simple strategy = clarity and alignment.

We invite people to Sunday and then into groups. Rinse repeat.

Simple strategy = less time working and more time winning!

Yup, when you lead like this you cut out a lot of the fat in your schedule. It makes it easy to know when to say “yes” and when to say “no” to tasks, meetings, etc.

So the end result is better leadership…less work! What’s not to love?

Alright, there’s a LOT MORE I’d love to share on this topic but that’s all I have time for today!

If you want to get coached in how to lead with strategic simplicity and see your church smash your current growth barrier this year join me in UpLevel Leader.

It’s weekly coaching with ALL my courses and resources available for you and your team.

We’ve got room for 5 4 more churches to join this month.

