Busy People Get More Done

And Other Leadership Insights...

The old saying goes, “If you want something done…ask a busy person!”

And it’s true!

It might not make sense but I’ve seen it happen in my own life and in the lives of other highly productive people.

I think it has something to do with “Parkinson’s Law.”

I'll spare you the technical details and just say it this way…

Work expands to fill the time allotted.

If you give yourself two days for a job, it will take two days.

If you give yourself two hours it will take two hours.

This is the power of a deadline at work.

And it's most certainly the reason the old saying holds true.

So how do we apply this as pastors?

If you want something done….

Ask a busy person.

Look for the people already in motion.

Who’s successful in business?

Who’s successful in parenting?

Who has a great group in your church right now?

Those are your next level leaders!

Go get em’!

Give them more responsibility and see what happens.

Of course the “Peter” principle will kick in (google it) at some point…

But most churches are FILLED with under promoted people.

Don’t pass out titles.

Pass out ministry and responsibility and keep developing them.

Hope that’s helpful!

Now go find a busy person…

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake