The Church Growth Engine Training Starts in 30 Minutes!

Grab your spot...

This week I’m going live via ZOOM to teach some of the TOP lessons I’ve learned about church growth, follow-up, leadership development, and more!

In just 30 mins I’m hosting a free ZOOM call with my good friend Pastor Paul Hardin about: “How To Build A Growth Engine At Your Church!”

You’ll learn:

  • How to get guests every single Sunday…

  • The absolute best type of invitation to get people to come to church on Sunday…

  • How to follow-up the RIGHT way so that people come back…

  • How to put 95% of the process on autopilot so it adds ZERO time, stress, or hassle to your week…

  • How to create a culture of irresistible evangelism and growth at your church!

  • + a whole lot more…

And if you’re a pastor or church leader you’re invited COMPLETELY FREE!

But you’ve got to jump in RIGHT NOW!

Because we’re starting in just a few minutes…

You don’t want to miss it!

See you there,

Pastor Jake

PS - I’ll be teaching the content and then opening up for Q&A at the end…so bring your questions!