Church Growth For Dummies Like Me!

Hit The Easy Button

OK OK, I don’t think we’re dummies!

But I definitely like to simplify things…

So let’s take a crack at church growth.

Sometimes it feels like it’s impossible right?

It can feel like nobody new is visiting and the existing members don’t want to be there either!

We’ve all been there.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

No sirree Bob.

Want to know the dead simple secret about church growth?

Here goes…

Invite MORE people.

And when you think you’ve invited enough…

Invite more.

I’m not done yet…

Keep inviting beyond the point of thinking you’ve invited enough.

It needs to feel uncomfortable!

That’s it.

You do that and you’ll break something lose in your church.

A fresh wind of inviting and evangelism and outreach will start to stir.

Right now I’m working with dozens of churches across the world to help them learn the best and most effective ways to invite a ton of people to church.

And they’re growing like crazy!

Plus I’m equipping them with the tools to turn those guests into disciples of Jesus Christ that make disciples.

But it all starts with more inviting.

And there’s some incredibly powerful and affordable ways to invite that you just might be missing out on…

Want to join the crew?

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake

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