The Key To Church Growth Hiding In Plain Sight

When it comes to church growth we often over spiritualize the issue.

A friend of mine recently said something that stuck with me.

"Structure supports spirit."

When you read the Old Testament accounts about building the temple something sticks out like a sore thumb.

God has a clear plan for the structure and operation of His house.

When the work was completed the spirit of God inhabited the temple.

Not before.

That's a clear picture of how we should look at church as pastors and leaders.

Build it right and trust God to move.

So what does that mean in our context?

Here's a few key areas to consider:

1) Leadership

Do you have appropriate leadership for the church you have and the church you want to have?

The United States government has checks and balances.

Three branches: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.

Churches need at least that...

We have Overseers (Judicial)

Staff (Executive)

Elders (Legislative)

And then on from there.

Most growth problems are structural not spiritual.

2) Pastoral care

Do you have a system for providing care?

For discipleship?

Because if you're doing 100% you're NOT going to grow past a certain point.

And if you say, "But we don't have the leaders or the team we need..." that's not a good excuse.

You need to put your time and attention into developing your team...right now! it NOW!

Because your growth absolutely hinges on building teams (aka making disciples).

3) Finances and Generosity

Because of the potential discomfort of talking about giving and money in general, many pastors shy away from teaching and encouraging their church in this area.

But it’s 100% a discipleship issue and you’re hurting your church if you don’t teach and train about money!

We’ve created clear, transparent protocols for how we pay staff, manage budgets, etc that have allowed us to teach on money and encourage generosity without the “ick” factor.

As Pastor Chris Hodges says, “People don’t give to need…they give to vision!”

Your church needs a healthy, scalable system for increasing generosity so you can achieve what God’s called you to do.


Hope that helps get the ball rolling!

Those are just a few of the key topics we deep-dive in UpLevel Leader.

I’ve seen churches 2X their attendance, groups, giving, and impact just by making tweaks in these 3 areas alone…

Because good structure adds capacity for growth!

We covered this topic in great detail in the coaching group at the start of the year.

I did a multi-week teaching on the topic of "Levels of Leadership."

We spelled out every level of leadership that needs to exist in a healthy, growing church!

If that's something you'd like to get your hands on I'd love to welcome you into our community: UpLevel Leader.

It’s a coaching community for pastors to help them grow as a leader and grow their church.

But heads up, we’ve only got room for 3 more pastors to join this month…


Pastor Jake