Counterintuitive Church Growth

This ALWAYS works...

Here’s a valuable lesson.

It ain't the branches, it's the roots!

Allow me to explain.

When the going gets tough at your church it isn't the casual attenders or fringe people that steady the ship...

It's the core.

Otherwise known as the disciples.

See, the people who are there for the "message" or the "music" because it happens to suit their preference often leave as quickly as they come.

And when the going gets tough...the weak get up and go!

It broke my heart to see person after person withdraw and not return after the pandemic…

But it also revealed the quality of the work God had done in other people's lives.

The true disciples kept serving, giving, and making disciples.

Disciples and leaders are the "roots" of your church.

Attendance, buildings, finances, and programs are the branches.

Yes, they matter!

Don't get me wrong.

But it's the root system that causes the branches to grow.

What I realized is that if we water the root system the branches grow.

But the opposite isn't necessarily true.

If we focus on attendance or programs without giving attention to discipleship and leadership development the church can appear healthy.

But it might be superficial.

But when we water the "roots" there is tangible and lasting growth both spiritually, relationally, numerically, and financially.

Leaders lead.

Disciples make disciples.

Does that mean we don't invite like crazy and throw several Big Days every year to bring in more guests?

Absolutely not!

We're always "fishing!"

But in the midst of reaching out we also reach in to strengthen the roots.

Alright, that's what I have for you today...

For more great leadership material check out the new 20 Ways To Grow Your Church Bundle - 90% off for a limited time.

Talk soon,

- Pastor Jake

PS - Want all of my courses including: Facebook Invitation System, Church Marketing Masterclass, Building A Ministry Pipeline, How to Break the 100 Barrier, Guest Follow Up System, and more? Plus a vibrant community of pastors and leaders and a live weekly coaching session? All for less than attending 1 conference a year? Check out UpLevel Leader right here:

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