Disciples That Make Disciples That Make...

How To Create Multiplication

At the moment I’m going through a profound paradigm shift around the topics of church growth and multiplication.

Thing is, most training in the church space focuses on church growth.

And that’s something I’ve given years to learning and sharing on myself…

But the Lord has really been opening my eyes to a higher vision recently.


There’s nothing wrong with church growth!

In fact, it’s the natural byproduct of a healthy local New Testament style church.

Healthy things grow, right?

But Christ’s vision for His church is so much grander…

It echos back to what the prophet Habakkuk said,

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” - Habakkuk. 2:14 ESV

Church growth can become vertical, self-focused, and limited.

I didn’t say bad or ungodly.

But church multiplication takes growth in an entirely different direction.


And that’s when Habakkuk’s word comes to pass…

When churches multiply they spread the gospel, make disciples, and then spread again.

It’s like wildfire!

Or, again like the prophetic word, like water that covers the earth.

What a beautiful picture.

So here’s my question for you…

Are you ready to lead a multiplying church?

In just a few hours I’ll be teaching my step by step process for creating a powerful culture of multiplication at your church.

Including my simple four-step method for making disciples that make disciples.

Hope to see you there!

Pastor Jake