Don't Wrestle With Pigs

There’s an old saying I think about a lot, “Don’t wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty but the pig likes it!”

Not only does it crack me up every time I read it… it's jam-packed with wisdom!

And there are so many applications for this phrase as a pastor.

At least 5 to 10 times a week I am tempted to jump into the mud with critics, haters, and even the devil himself.

Here's the reality…

If you're serving God on the front lines of reaching people and making disciples you are going to deal with some pigs!

They come in all shapes and sizes.

Sometimes angry people.

Sometimes self-critical thoughts and beliefs.

And sometimes actual, all-out spiritual attack.

But here’s something I tell my kids.

We can’t control what other people do but we can control how we respond.

That simple truth has saved my bacon (haha) more than I can say!

Another reason why you shouldn’t let yourself get pulled into the mud of fighting, defending yourself, or drama is that it takes you off mission.

God called you to lead and feed the flock. Not go chasing every distraction that comes your way. If you’re consumed with drama you won’t put in the time, effort, energy, and prayer required to lead a healthy, growing church.

OK, last thought on this.

It’s SO important to surround yourself with positive, like-minded leaders on this journey.

For one, you need somewhere to vent and blow off steam! Sometimes you just need to talk a little bit, right? So you need a good environment for that.

Second, good leaders will sympathize with your struggle but call you up and out to be a winner!

That’s why I love the community we’ve built in UpLevel Leader.

So many incredible pastors and leaders helping each other grow.

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake

PS - The community comes with ALL my courses and a weekly coaching session via ZOOM. We’re helping churches double their attendance, giving, and impact on a regular basis. Have any questions? Just reply to this email and let’s talk!

How We’re Helping Churches Get The Employee Retention Tax Credit (avg. $18,000 per employee)

Right now I’m helping churches get connected with a firm that assists them determine their eligibility for the ERC tax credit. The average check to the church we’ve seen is $18,000 per employee. Incredible right? It’s already been a HUGE blessing to hundreds of churches across the US. But there is a TON of misinformation, misunderstanding, and even scams out there so getting the right help is important. If you’d like more information please reply to this email with the phrase: ERC HELP and this info:

Your Name:

Your Church/Business Name:

Your Phone:

Your Email:

Estimated W2 Employees in 2020/2021:

Free Resources

Here’s a couple of cool FREE resources I’ve come across that I wanted to share with you!

The Pour Over: Politically neutral, Christ-first, news source.

The biggest news of the day, summarized in a way you'll actually understand and enjoy, paired with brief Christian perspectives.

Eat God’s Way: FREE Newsletter

Daily encouragement to ditch the Standard American Diet, get healthier & happier, and save money on groceries... without giving up the foods you love or spending all day in the kitchen!

Click here to get it. (page might take a few seconds to load)

Telling better stories means being a better communicator and inspiring people to change and grow!

Recommended Tools:

Here are some of the best tools I use for business and ministry!

1) Email Newsletter Software - Beehiiv

Want to start your own newsletter? For church communication, leadership development, discipleship, or something else? Beehiiv is my go-to tool. I use it everyday and it works great. Totally FREE up to 2500 subscribers!

2) Group Software - Skool

Skool is hands down the simplest, easiest, and BEST group software available right now. I use it for UpLevel Leader coaching and it’s fantastic. Community. Classroom. Calendar.