Not Nothing

Wise Advice For Pastors and Husbands!


Here’s a friendly piece of advice for both pastors and husbands…

About Valentine's day.

Guys, I don't care what your lady says...she wants a gift for Valentine’s Day!

Doesn't have to be a grand gesture...but...don't do nothing.

If you don't see the wisdom in that I don't know what to tell ya...haha.

It reminds me of how most pastors treat their outreach/evangelism.

They do nothing.

Other than hoping and praying.

I get it.

In a perfect world we'd equip and train our people and they'd go gather their friends, family, and neighbors.

And that is something we're always building towards as we disciple and train.

But that doesn't mean we should just sit on our hands in the meantime when we have one of the greatest tools ever created for gospel proclamation and inviting people to church right at our finger tips!

I'm talking about Facebook and Instagram.

Yeah, I know...we don't love em...

Too political, censoring people, etc.

I get it.

But we still use it because we'll do anything to preach the gospel.

Again, just do something.

What do I do?

Super simple 30 second Facebook invite ads.

No flash, no polish, no huge budgets.

But it works.

People see the ads, they visit, and on it goes...

When you're ready here's the link:

Don't do nothing,

Pastor Jake