Easy Church Facebook Ads

Isn't it funny how almost everything that comes "easy" was really hard at first?

I've been playing the piano for over 20 years now and people say hilarious things when they hear me play...

"Oh wow, you must be a natural!"

"I wish I had that gift..."

Nothing wrong with that...but it's missing something HUGE.

All the years and years of practice, practice, practice.

Not so much fun but worth it in the end.

The point is...behind everything "easy" is something a little (or a lot!) hard.

Whether it's playing the piano, preaching, or knitting something neat!

Reminds me of how we use Facebook ads to bring in first time guests to church and lead people to Christ...

It's not "easy" or "natural."

Honestly, it's not that hard either but it does take some training and practice.

Lucky for you, my goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to get both in a really simple way...

I've put together a simple, step by step training video on how to launch your first Facebook invite ad.

It's called "Facebook Launch" and for a limited time you can pay what you want to get access to it.

Yep. Hard to beat that.

You can pay $1, $5, $10 or whatever you can afford.

Because I want to take the "sting" out of using this great tool to invite people to church and share the gospel.

Here's the link:

Making it easy,

Pastor Jake

Free Resources

Here’s a couple of cool FREE resources I’ve come across that I wanted to share with you!

Click here to get it. (page might take a few seconds to load)

Telling better stories means being a better communicator and inspiring people to change and grow!

2) How to earn $10k from your first book.

Great resource from Nathan Barry (the creator of ConvertKit). I know so many pastors have a BOOK inside them and need some help/encouragement getting it out into the world! Nathan teaches a great method for finishing and releasing your book.

3) The Smarter Brain

Great thought-provoking ideas and actionable reads to help you build better habits and become more productive. Always something useful!