Effective Not Impressive...

I’ve got a busy day lined up so this might be shorter than usual…

But hopefully an encouragement to you today!

As pastors, one of our main jobs is preaching.

So I’m always on the lookout for strategies to make the process of study and delivery more efficient and effective.

Over the past few years a simple question has served me well:

Is this message impressive or effective?

Here’s what I mean.

I’ve heard some incredible sermons that excited and even inspired me….

But those weren’t the ones that changed my life.

It was the meat and potatoes type sermons delivered from my mentors and spiritual fathers.

Usually with themes and topics I heard again and again.

Same old boring strokes, right?

But it left a mark.

And got me moving in a particular direction!

Which is the goal right?

To get the listener to respond in faith and put the word into action.

But as a preacher it’s easy to fall into the trap of preaching to impress.

Let’s change that.

Here’s how.

First, write down the mission/vision of your church.

Then, extract at least 3 themes from it.

For us at Joy Church that’s Love God. Love People. Make Disciples.

Next, whatever series or passage you happen to be preaching…find a way to highlight one of your 3 themes.

And connect it to the corresponding action step in your church.

For example, if you highlight making disciples then mention that small groups are a great place to connect with people to get discipled and make disciples.

Share a story about someone in your church sharing their faith and point to the upcoming evangelism class.

Talk about the power of serving and highlight your Dream Team or volunteer group.

This creates repetition and consistency…and it’s effective.

It helps people see the footsteps of walking with Jesus.

Well, that’s all I have time for today…

But if you want to work with me and my team of coaches we’re standing by to help you grow as a leader and grow your church…

UpLevel Leader is by pastors…for pastors.

We’ve got room for 2 more churches to join before the end of the month.

Be blessed!

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake

How We’re Helping Churches Get The Employee Retention Tax Credit (avg. $18,000 per employee)

Right now I’m helping churches get connected with a firm that assists them determine their eligibility for the ERC tax credit. The average check to the church we’ve seen is $18,000 per employee. Incredible right? It’s already been a HUGE blessing to hundreds of churches across the US. But there is a TON of misinformation, misunderstanding, and even scams out there so getting the right help is important. If you’d like more information please reply to this email with the phrase: ERC HELP and this info:

Your Name:

Your Church/Business Name:

Your Phone:

Your Email:

Estimated W2 Employees in 2020/2021:

Free Resources

Here’s a couple of cool FREE resources I’ve come across that I wanted to share with you!

The Pour Over: Politically neutral, Christ-first, news source.

The biggest news of the day, summarized in a way you'll actually understand and enjoy, paired with brief Christian perspectives.

Eat God’s Way: FREE Newsletter

Daily encouragement to ditch the Standard American Diet, get healthier & happier, and save money on groceries... without giving up the foods you love or spending all day in the kitchen!

Click here to get it. (page might take a few seconds to load)

Telling better stories means being a better communicator and inspiring people to change and grow!

Recommended Tools:

Here are some of the best tools I use for business and ministry!

1) Email Newsletter Software - Beehiiv

Want to start your own newsletter? For church communication, leadership development, discipleship, or something else? Beehiiv is my go-to tool. I use it everyday and it works great. Totally FREE up to 2500 subscribers!

2) Group Software - Skool

Skool is hands down the simplest, easiest, and BEST group software available right now. I use it for UpLevel Leader coaching and it’s fantastic. Community. Classroom. Calendar.