Embracing Strategic Simplicity

How To Radically Simplify Your Ministry!

Here’s the deal…

Most pastors are doing TOO MUCH!

And the same goes for churches.

Busy schedules. Multiple ministries. Cluttered or competing visions.

It’s a mess.

At best it’s frustrating.

At worst it’s robbing the life, joy, and growth potential of your church!

So, let’s talk about strategic simplicity.

Early on at Joy Church I said to our team, “We only do 2 things. Sundays and small groups. That’s it!”

Because I’ve seen how complexity leads to clutter and clutter leads to friction.

Everything gets worse when you try and do too much!

This is true in life and in ministry.

And churches are notorious for trying to do too much….

Which leads to doing a lot of things poorly rather than a few things with excellence.

So, pastor I’m asking you to make a key decision.

Choose strategic simplicity.

Here’s the process:

1) Get a clear vision for your church

2) Identify the “Big Five” values

3) List the practices that support the vision and values

4) Program it into your church schedule/rhythm

For us, we focus on making disciples through great Sunday services and great small groups.

We don’t do ANYTHING else!

Does that mean we don’t have scores of outreach and ministries happening?

No…there’s all kinds of things going on at the church: special groups, moms groups, women’s meetings, conferences, men’s events, etc…

But it’s all lead by people from the congregation!

Not from the head office.

Strategic simplicity starts with removing things but it ends up creating the foundation for EVERYTHING to take place as the church body grows!

Want to learn how to lead a healthy, growing church?

Come join me as a member of UpLevel Leader!

UpLevel Leader is a coaching community for local church pastors that want to see their church break barriers and grow like crazy!

It’s the best part of my week…and I know you’ll love it…

See you in the group,

Pastor Jake

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