FAQs About Using Facebook For Outreach

Everything You Want To Know...

So you're thinking about using Facebook ads to invite people to church right?

Good thinking!

But maybe you've got some questions before diving in.

Here's some of the most common ones I get:

"But what do I say?"

Probably one of the most common questions - What do I say? If you're making a video or text based image ad on Facebook the words truly do matter but most of us (even seasoned communicators) freeze up when we hit record on the camera or sit down at the keyboard to type out an ad. The great news is I've answered this question for you by putting together PROVEN scripts that you can use to create your ads. We do sermon series invites, general "This Sunday" ads, and even evangelistic ones. And they're found in the Facebook Ads Pack add-on to the Facebook Invitation System. These trainings will take you step by step through what to say - words that motivate people to actually come visit your church!

"Do I have to do a video?"

Video is great for building connection but no you don't have to. In fact, we've had a lot of success using image based ads inviting people to show up! In the Facebook Invitation System course I teach how to find eye-popping, high-quality images you can use for FREE in your ads. This takes a BIG burden off when it comes to creativity and making ads.

2024 Update: We’ve actually seen image ads outperforming video recently! Great news for people like me who don’t necessarily want to make a video…

"How do I make a good video?"

If you do want to use video you can simply use your camera phone...most of us at least have access to an iphone or android with a decent camera. And the good news is that Facebook loves organic (not over produced) content. This is a big time opportunity to take advantage of when it comes to using Facebook ads to invite people. Because you're literally only a few minutes away from pulling out your phone, recording a simple invite like I teach in the class, and inviting your city to church. Plus, I show you how to use free tools you probably already have access to, to edit your videos.

"What about budget?"

A lot of churches are working with a limited budget and I understand that. That's why I love Facebook as an outreach tool. Because it's still the cheapest and most effective way to get your message out to your community. And I'd love to show you how you can get a winning campaign launched for $5-$10/day! And then, if you're successful, ramping it up to reach more people. Bottom line - Facebook ads are a great outreach tool for churches with limited budgets as well as churches with larger ones.


Hopefully that helps answer some of your questions.

You've got this,

Pastor Jake

PS - There’s still time to enter the FREE Premium Bible Giveaway. Click here to enter if you’re a pastor or staff member.