
A Leadership Secret For Pastors...

I’ll keep this short n’ sweet today…

Because I’m on a vision/planning retreat with my wife and we’ve got work to do!

But I wanted to share something incredibly powerful and important with you today…

What I call the “51% Rule.”

Ever seen an alligator in the water?

With his eyes kinda 50/50 above and below the water line?

That’s a good picture of what leading is like.

The water represents what’s happening “now” and the air represents what’s happening “next.”

As a leader you’ve got to keep your eyes at least 51% above the water line.

Make sense?

Because anyone can see what’s happening “now” but it takes a leader to see what’s “next.”

And a sacrifice has to be made…

A focus and intention to look ahead…

Or you’ll get pulled into the urgency of the moment.

Now you know why I’m on a vision and planning trip.

Because I’m committed to staying at least 51% above the water.

We’re taking some time away from admittedly important “now” stuff and focusing on what’s “next.”

Keep it 51% pastor!

Oh, and if you’re interested to learn how I’m helping pastors 2X their church while cutting their workload in half by giving them 3 simple steps to follow just reply to this email with the word “GROW” and tell me who you are and what church you pastor.


Pastor Jake

PS - There’s still time to enter to win a Humble Lamb Bible worth over $200! Click here to enter and learn how you can share with other pastors to increase your chance of winning.