
The Truth About Evangelism

“Common sense ain't common.”
Will Rogers


I’ve never been accused of being an outdoorsman. Not even in the slightest. But one of the things I recently did was go fishing with my 6 year old son on a guided river trip with a guy in our church.

And that was a lot of fun! Because we were catching trout left and right and my son was having a grand old time.

One of the things I noticed about our guide was how fast he would get our hooks baited with the worm and tell us to cast our line back out into the water. He was almost maniacal about it!

Even as a total city slicker, here’s what I quickly figured out…

You can’t catch fish without a line in the water!

But when it comes to church many pastors completely ignore this wisdom.

Which is probably why 85% of North American churches are stagnant or in decline.

Because the church is equipped to reach a world that doesn’t exist anymore.

The current mindset is what I call the "Field of Dreams" model. That was one of my favorite movies growing up. And if you remember, the iconic line from the movie is, "If you build it they will come."

That’s the mindset that many pastors are operating with. If we build a building, launch programs, and provide training people will come. Maybe that was true 60 years ago but it’s not true today. We’re living in the midst of a post-Christian culture and we’ve got to go out and connect with people.

I’m on a mission to help churches learn the best ways to do this in 2020 and beyond because I believe every church has an opportunity to grow.

But you’re not gonna catch any fish and less you put your line in the water!

So if you want to learn how to do that check out the Facebook Invitation System.

Let’s go fishing,

Pastor Jake