Free Training "The Church Growth Engine"

4:30 PM PST

I sent this out yesterday but I know most of us pastors are pretty busy on Sundays! wink* wink*

And I know you don’t want to miss this FREE training on how to build the church growth engine so here goes again…

What if you could see brand new families come to church every single Sunday?

What if they came back week after week rather than slipping out the back door never to be seen again?

What if you had a steady stream of people getting saved and baptized?

What if you had a step by step system to train disciples and leaders?

And what if 95% of the work could be completely automated so you could focus on ministry?

For that you need the growth engine in your church!

And I’m happy to tell you it not only exists…it’s available to you starting NOW.

We’ve used the growth engine at Joy Church for the past 8 years to go from 29 people to over 1,700 in attendance…

And I’ve coached over 500 pastors how to build the growth engine piece by piece…

Seeing dozens of churches double, triple, or more in attendance…

But now the growth engine is more accessible than ever!

And I can’t wait to share it with you!

This week I’ll be going live via ZOOM to teach some of the TOP lessons I’ve learned about church growth, follow-up, leadership development, and more!

Up first is: “How To Build A Growth Engine At Your Church!”

You’ll learn:

  • How to get guests every single Sunday…

  • The absolute best type of invitation to get people to come to church on Sunday…

  • How to follow-up the RIGHT way so that people come back…

  • How to put 95% of the process on autopilot so it adds ZERO time, stress, or hassle to your week…

  • How to create a culture of irresistible evangelism and growth at your church!

  • + a whole lot more…

And if you’re a pastor or church leader you’re invited COMPLETELY FREE!

You don’t want to miss it!

See you there,

Pastor Jake

PS - I’ll be teaching the content and then opening up for Q&A at the end…so bring your questions!