The Fruitful Follow-Up Blueprint

Without This Growth Can't Happen!

One of the main reasons churches don't grow is because they don't have enough guests.

It takes about 15 interactions to get someone to respond.


But another equally important reason is a lack of follow-up.

Even if you have enough guests, if you don't follow up with them, it won't make a difference.

Just like with outreach and invitations…it takes a lot of touches to make follow-up work!

But it isn’t enough to follow the old playbook…

We’ve discovered how to make follow-up one of the most fruitful ministries in the church…

As I always say to our coaching group for pastors, “The fruit is in the follow-up!”

That's why I'm so excited to tell you that today at 3:30 pm Pacific time, Pastor Paul Hardin and I, co-founders of Church Pro Flow, will be going live on ZOOM to share the best guest follow-up tips and tricks that we’ve used to help our clients 2X and even 3X their church in the past few months…

According to research, 40% of second time guests become members and 60% become members if they come back a third time.

That’s why we’ve invested heavily in a brand new tool that revolutionizes how churches follow-up with and retain their guests…

Can’t wait to share it with you.

See you there,

Pastor Jake