How To See Your God-Given Vision Become A Reality

The Step By Step Process

Vision matters.

In fact, as a lead pastor, vision casting is your #1 role and responsibility.

And I love teaching fellow pastors about vision because it gives an instant shot of momentum to their church!

Now, most pastors don't have a problem with getting a vision...but many suffer from not seeing their vision become a reality.

Unfortunately, most leaders get frustrated with this and tend to let their vision just gather dust on the shelf...hoping, waiting, praying...

The good news is there's a proven way to move your vision forward...and, it's a Biblical, repeatable process.

I recently hosted a short, action packed workshop called "The Four Stages of Vision" where I taught lead pastors in my coaching program how to see their God-given vision become a reality.

There was great feedback from this session so I decided to make it available to you for a very limited time.

What most leaders don't understand is that vision has four stages that it goes through before it can be realized. And the four stages all have to happen in sequence. If you skip one or skimp out on one it can really stop your vision in its tracks.

But when you take your vision through the four stages it gathers momentum and people start buying in!

That's when momentum and victory takes place!

Have a great day,

Pastor Jake

PS - This workshop will only be available for the next few days. So don’t miss out!