How To Get Guests Every Sunday

This Method Works!

Let’s talk about how your church can have guests every single Sunday.

Sound good?


And it’s not just numbers for numbers for numbers sake.

It’s about reaching the people Jesus died for in your community.

So let’s dive in.

At my church we have first time guests every Sunday of the year.

Yup, every single Sunday.

And usually dozens…

Do our people invite their friends, family, and neighbors? Yes.

Are we a friendly church? Yes, of course.

But seeing first time guests every Sunday in large part comes from the super simple 30 second invite ads we put out.

We invite people to church on Facebook, YouTube, TV, etc 24/7/365.

That way anytime, anyone is even a tiny bit open to coming…they know exactly where to go!

I believe the Holy Spirit is already at work in the hearts of the people around our church.

So we’re faithful to invite people…and guess what?

It works!

And that’s been consistent for years.

Here’s the secret sauce…

It’s not about fancy production or amazing video quality.

It’s about being CONSISTENT.

Just following the process and not giving up.

It’s the quantity of invitations not the quantity that makes the difference.

Want to learn the exact step by step process?

God bless,

Pastor Jake