How We Get Guests Every Sunday

More Chances To Reach People

One of the biggest lesson I try to get across to pastors is this...

QUANTITY of invites is more important than QUALITY of invites.

The plain and simple reality is that there are TONS of people that would visit your church if you invited them.

But we often neglect that simple fact.

Which is why I bang the drum of using whatever means available to invite people to church.

Now I get it...

Inviting people to church isn't the whole point.

Making disciples of Jesus is.

But what we've found over the years is that when we invite people to church it prompts them to think about their faith, soul, spiritual life, etc.

And in a given community there are a certain number of people right on the verge of making a decision for Christ.

I simply believe the Holy Spirit is doing what the Bible says He is...

Convicting the world of sin, righteousness and the judgement to come!

In other words...God is already moving in the hearts and minds of the people in your community!

So perhaps a simple video of a pastor inviting them to church that comes across their Facebook or Instagram is all the nudge they need...

Think about works.

That's why I put together a step by step video course on how we use Facebook/Instagram ads to invite our city to church.

Over the years we've seen thousands of people respond.

Many were saved and baptized in our church.

And now are disciples of Jesus.

That gets me excited and I want to see it work for you too!

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake