How To Get Guests Every Sunday

Yes, EVERY Sunday

The other day I heard something interesting.

It was a business coach that said, "Marketing X Audience = results."

It reminds me of how we use Facebook ads for outreach and evangelism.

A lot of church based Facebook ads training massively overcomplicates things.

But it's really just "invitation x audience = guests."

When it comes to using Facebook ads to invite people to church we keep it really simple.

Simple invite ads, about 30 seconds long.

Then we send it out to as many people as budget allows.

That's it.

You can learn it in a few hours and then have an ad running in under 30 minutes...

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake

Pursuing HealthA free daily newsletter for Christians who are dealing with nagging and frustrating chronic diseases or illnesses that want holistic and natural approaches to improving their health (alongside a li...