Heavy Stuff

This is from my heart.

Over the past few days I’ve had heavy thing after heavy thing dropped in my lap.

By the grace of God nothing serious in my own personal family.

We’re healthy, happy, etc.

But my heart is heavy nonetheless with big, scary, painful, situations impacting people in our church and friendship circle.

And both my wife and I have just felt…heavy.

Know what I mean?

As pastors we get to be there for the TOP and the BOTTOM of people’s lives.

We’re there to laugh and rejoice at weddings…

And cry and mourn at funerals…

It’s just…you know…heavy.

Sorry if this is bumming you out!

But keep on reading…because there’s hope.

Jesus said…

Matthew 11:29-30

“29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

This picture of the yoke is one of my favorites…

Because it implies that Jesus is the ox right next to us...

And he never gets tired or weary.

His strength never diminishes.

Right now, life is heavy…but Jesus is STRONG.

And I’m leaning on Him!

Another thing that gives me hope is the support and wisdom of UpLevel Leader.

We meet together every Monday to discuss pastoring, church growth, leadership, and ministry in general.

It’s life-giving and encouraging! It always reminds me that I’m not alone as a pastor. Other leaders are living and learning at the same time.

Community is essential.

And absolutely nobody should be pastoring alone.

Want to learn more about becoming a member of UpLevel?

And joining an incredible community of pastors and leaders that are committed to expanding the kingdom of God and improving as leaders?

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake