How To Be Great

At Almost Anything...

Let’s talk about how to be GREAT…

At almost anything you put your mind to…

Excluding things that are physically impossible…

Like, I seriously doubt I’m going to become a great professional basketball player or world cup level footballer as a 39 year old pastor! haha

But I digress…

Because this short email is about how to be great at nearly anything…

And it especially applies to skills and abilities you’re already using and improving…

Like writing and preaching.

Or pastoring people.

Or leadership.

The way to be great at nearly anything is ridiculously simple.

But it’s not easy.

It requires discipline, faith, and courage.

And most people give up before ever reaching the prize.

The secret to being great at nearly anything is:

Do it every day.

Yup, that’s it.


Stick with me.

Because there is wisdom in what you just read.

Do it every day.

That’s the honest to goodness secret for being great at nearly anything…

But don’t take my word for it!

Try it for yourself!

And listen to experts…

Heard of the 10,000 hour rule?

Research has shown that you master things you practice intentionally for 10,000 hours.

Which admittedly is a lot!

But not when you simply put in time every single day.

Want to be a great preacher?

Write a sermon every day.

Want to be a great writer?

Write every single day.

Want to be a great chess player?

Play every single day.

And if you want to be great at leading a church?


You’ve got to invest every single day.

And one of the best ways to do that is to enter an immersive learning environment like Uplevel Leader.

UpLevel Leader is a coaching community for pastors and their teams to learn how to reach more people and grow!

We meet weekly and there is a library of courses designed to help you 1) Get people, 2) Keep people, 3) Grow people.

Go be great, pastor!

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake

PS - Don’t forget…there’s still time to enter the Humble Lamb Bible giveaway. Click here to enter to win a FREE premium Bible.