How To Double Your Church In The Next 90 Days

A Proven 3 Step Process

Go back and read that headline again…


Today at 3:30 pacific time Pastor Paul and I are going live on ZOOM to share the proven 3 step process for doubling your attendance in the next 90 days!

Now that claim might seem crazy or just downright impossible…

But I’ve helped dozens of churches over the past 6 years double their attendance and more…

And my own church has doubled attendance using these 3 steps at least 7 times!

Since launching Church Flow Pro we’ve seen even greater results using these steps with our clients…

And we can’t wait to share them with you!

So, I highly encourage you to carve out an hour and attend this training…

Not only will you learn the 3 proven steps for doubling in 90 days…

We’ll also have a time for Q&A so you can get hands on help…

This training will be a true game-changer for your church!

Don’t miss it.

See you there,

Pastor Jake