How To Double Your Attendance This Easter

More = More

Over the past 8 years at our church we’ve seen our attendance double at Easter 7 times!

I’d call that a proven track record…

And now I want to share what we do with you!

My heart is to help your church reach more people and make disciples.

So let’s dive in.

Easter is the PERFECT time to invite people to church because 2 groups tend to activate at this time.

Group 1 is the “fringe” of your church.

These are the ones that would call your church their church but don’t really come all that often. But they do come at Easter!

Group 2 is your community.

People are more likely to go to church at Easter and Christmas. Even in an increasingly post-Christian culture this is the case…

So, how do we engage these groups?

How have we done it over the past 8 years and our planning on doing it again this year?

Answer: Simple Facebook invitation ads!

We create a simple ad that invites people to church and we blast it out into those 2 groups…

The result?

Hundreds and thousands of people have visited. Attendance doubles. People get saved. Baptized. Become disciples of Jesus and join our church community.

More invites. More people. More = More.

It. Is. Powerful.

Want to learn the exact steps to do this?

I’ve put it into a simple video course called The Facebook Invitation System.

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake

PS - Would you rather have a team of experts create and manage ads for your church? And connect your leads to a powerful automated followup process that massively boosts show-up rates and retention? And receive timely weekly coaching on how to get people, keep people, and grow people? Then you should check out Church Flow Pro. But heads up…we’ve only got room for 5 more “Founding Members.” Soon the price will go up…

If you’re interested in learning more about Church Flow Pro just reply to this email with the word “FLOW” and I’ll send you more details.