How To Lead People

Unpacking The VCR Method

The other day my wife passed on a question from a member of our church. They wanted to know how to lead their teenage daughter. They’re not sure how to motivate or encourage her towards positive hobbies and relationships. Just dealing with teenage angst!

It was a bit more detailed than that but you get the idea.

I thought about it for a few moments and said, “Well, I don’t know specifically how to lead that teen but I do know how we lead people…Vision, culture, and relationship.”

I call it VCR.

And it’s the leadership strategy I use for everything.

The first step is to cast compelling positive vision.

“Here’s what I see. Here’s what’s possible.”

Than it’s important to create a culture that makes it MUCH easier to move towards the vision than away from it.

I like to say, “Vision is on the walls. Culture is in the halls.”

Vision is where we want to go but culture is where we are right now!

If you have a vision of a family friendly church but you don’t have a nursery or kid classes your culture isn’t family friendly. Your vision is…but the reality of culture hasn’t caught up yet.

Culture is fascinating to me…

Because it amplifies whatever the current trajectory of any group is.

If your church is friendly and welcoming than the culture amplifies that and draws people to be friendly and welcoming themselves.

If your church has a culture of cliques and inner circles it will reinforce that behavior when new people attempt to join.

That’s just how culture works.

I call it the rubber band.

As a leader I nurture a healthy culture that applies steady positive pressure on everyone to move from consumers to contributors, from crowd to the core.

How do you create culture?

With vision and relationship!

It’s a cyclical process.

Spend time with people sharing vision and modeling the right behaviors and watch out!

At the end of the day “VCR” is just…MAKING DISCIPLES!

If you can make disciples that make disciples you’ll achieve everything God as called you to do.

Want more help with this and other strategies?

Check out a resource I created called “20 Ways To Grow Your Church.” It’s filled with practical strategies for outreach, evangelism, and leadership.

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake

Has your church or business received the Employee Retention Credit?

If not, it’s worth finding out if you’re eligible!

I just heard from a church that they’re expecting almost $20,000 back in their credit. Praise God!

Nothing to lose by finding out if your church or business qualifies…