Kiss Church Stagnation Goodbye Forever

Did you know that 80% of churches in North America are stagnant or in decline?

That stat really bugs me.

So for the past few years I've been doing everything possible to change it.

Teaching, coaching, creating courses, etc.

But, this year we’ve made the biggest breakthrough ever!

It’s called Church Flow Pro.

Church Flow Pro brings in guests to my church every Sunday through custom invite ads on social media.

It’s an insanely powerful process…

Using the BEST and latest advances in technology and marketing.

But here’s the best part.

They do 99% of the work!

You don’t have to learn how to use Facebook or create ads or any of that.

Pastor, you’re GREAT at what you do.

I want you to keep preaching, praying, and making disciples.

The team at Church Flow Pro is GREAT at bringing in first time guests to your church.

Why not partner up to reach more people and grow?

Just this week a lady responded to the ad that Church Flow Pro created for my church.

I got a notification and it opened a chat in the CFP app so I could personally interact with her and invite her to church.

Not only did she come to church…she brought two friends with her!

That’s the NEW NORMAL when you work with Church Flow Pro.

Guests every Sunday.

And you can kiss stagnation goodbye forever.

Want to take the next step?

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake