Make Sunday The Best Day Of Your Week

Out of everything you can do as a pastor/team/staff to grow your church there's nothing more important than a great Sunday environment!

Which is why I created the "10 Reasons People Don't Come Back To Your Church" audio course.

This course goes through the top ten things you may not be aware of that are stopping your growth!

Because even if you're getting visitors each week it doesn't matter much if they don't come back!

And even more important it means you can't disciple them...

What would it feel like if Sunday was your favorite day of the week again?

Not something you stress out about and dread?

Not something you worry all week about?

It absolutely can be.

Thing is, you don't have to settle...hear me on this...

You don't have to accept the same broken systems and results!

You can make incremental positive changes and see people come and come back to church!

I believe that your BEST church service is waiting just beneath the surface and there are just a few things that need to be adjusted.

That's what the "10 Reasons" audio course will help you with.

It's helped churches double and even triple their membership simply by applying what's taught inside.

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake