Make Your Own Weather

How to win in any situation you encounter

Have you ever seen the Charlie Brown cartoon strip or show?

There's a character in it named "Pig Pen" and he carries his own stinky atmosphere around with him!

Good ol’ Pig Pen!

As you know, there are people that do the same thing...

Not necessarily with dirt or stink (although I've met a few of them too...) but rather a bad or negative attitude.

I call them "Debbie Downers."

No matter how good things are they find a way to turn it sour.

"Hey Debbie, you got a raise!"

"Ugh. More money more problems..."

"Hey Debbie, your team won the state championship!"

"Ugh. Guess that means we'll have a losing season next year."

"Hey Debbie, isn't this a cute puppy?"

"Ugh. I'm allergic!"

I'm having a little fun here but I think you can probably imagine at least one person like this!

Here's the rub.

Leaders can't get away with that type of temperament.

But ironically, a lot of leaders struggle with it.

Including me!

Because leaders tend to see what's wrong with the current status and seek to move people forward.

Which can lend to a negative bent.

Unfortunately, that negativity can kill the atmosphere and momentum of your church.

So you've got to find a way to create your own weather!

Meaning, shifting the atmosphere around you from a "pig pen," rainy day atmosphere to one of positivity and potential.

How is this done?

Simply - a lot of time with God and conscious effort to hold in your mind the tension of the challenge and the potential of the solution.

In other words, seeing the good and the bad at the same time while making a choice to be joyful in your demeanor.

I could go on but here's the lesson.

Make your own weather.

Let your atmosphere as a leader be one of sunshine and possibility.

Don't say, "We can't because..."

Say, "We CAN because..."

God is with you. He is for you!

And He wants your church to grow like never before...even in the midst of crisis and struggle.

For more in-depth leadership development training that will grow your church check out the Leader Letter premium.

You’ll learn strategies and tactics previously only available to my private coaching clients about church growth, personal development, and strategic leadership.

To sweeten the deal I’ve opened up a heavily discounted annual membership for 100 63 subscribers (but it’s going fast) for only $96/year. (that’s a 20% lifetime discount off annual and over 50% off the regular monthly price.)

Once we hit 100 premium subscribers this month…the price goes up.

That’s less than $2/week to get access to the premium newsletter.

To make it even better I’m also including:

  • Email coaching (ask any question and get help via email).

  • Access to the “Vault” - exclusive video and/or audio trainings for premium subs only.

  • First access to private coaching when spots open up.

  • First access to the new private coaching scholarship program! (A donor has agreed to partially cover the cost of coaching for pastors.)

Click the offer below to get access before it’s gone.

With only 100 63 spots left I anticipate it being sold out before the end of next week.

Make the coming year a year of growth and impact.

Have a great week,

Pastor Jake