How To Master Momentum

Momentum is a funny thing.

When it’s on your side it’s wonderful!

But when it goes against you you’re in BIG trouble.

When I was a teenager I was riding on the back of a truck tailgate with some friends…

We were at a softball tournament and instead of walking across the sports park we decided to all pile in the back of the truck.

It was a short ride so the tailgate was down and a bunch of us were sitting on the back with our feet dangling.

Unfortunately as we backed up to turn around the truck hit a bump and my foot slipped down into the gravel.

The momentum of the truck wrenched me down and crushed my foot into the rocks.

Only the timely shouts of my friends stopped me from being run over.

But the damage was done…

My foot was scraped from heel to toe nearly to the bone and I spent about 6 weeks wearing a bandage and on crutches!

In a split second momentum showed me who’s boss!

It reminds me of church.

Because momentum works both ways! Positively and negatively.

And it’s vital to know whether it’s on your side or working against you.

Positive momentum is like having a tailwind.

Everything you do works better.


From sermons to groups to discipleship to generosity.

But when momentum is against you it feels like running in jell-o!

Everything gets harder.

Takes longer.

Less people buy in.

It’s tough.

That’s why a BIG emphasis in UpLevel Leader is helping you master momentum…right away!

We help you cast a compelling vision, increase giving, and install a proven plan for growth within the first month of working together.

If you want to get momentum on your side we can help.

Just this week 3 churches in the program had their BIGGEST Sunday ever…in July no less!

Right now we’re also offering an option to receive one on one coaching in addition to the courses and weekly group coaching session.

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake

Will You Support The Leader Letter?

If you’re reading this you probably know I send a newsletter almost every day (at least 350 per year. And if you didn’t know…I write them myself! It’s the equivalent of writing 10-15 books per year. I get dozens of replies and responses from pastors that share how this daily email encourages them. Right now it goes out to over 33,000 pastors/church-leaders!

But, it’s definitely a time-consuming and challenging task! I spend at least an hour a day on average studying, writing, and managing this newsletter. Over the past few months I’ve considered doing less or stopping the newsletter altogether. Then I get a response from someone and it encourages me to keep going. Here’s where you come in.

I want to focus on writing great content, sharing it with more pastors, and LESS time on creating paid offers and selling. To do that I need your help.

Will you consider supporting the Leader Letter on a monthly or yearly basis?

Only $8/month or $80/year to keep these daily emails hitting your inbox!

To thank you for supporting the Leader Letter you’ll receive some awesome gifts when you sign up:

  • 20 Ways To Grow Your Church (Full Course)

  • How To Create A Culture Of Contagious Discipleship (Workshop)

  • How To Build A Winning Team Of Volunteers and Leaders (Workshop)

  • Big Day Strategy Guide (eBook)

Get A FREE Employee Retention Tax Credit Consultation Session

I’m helping churches get connected with a firm that assists them determine their eligibility for the ERC tax credit. The average check to the church we’ve seen is $18,000 per employee. Incredible right? It’s already been a HUGE blessing to hundreds of churches across the US. But there is a TON of misinformation, misunderstanding, and even scams out there so getting the right help is important. If you’d like more information please click here.

Free Resources

Here’s a couple of cool FREE resources I’ve come across that I wanted to share with you!

The Pour Over: Politically neutral, Christ-first, news source.

The biggest news of the day, summarized in a way you'll actually understand and enjoy, paired with brief Christian perspectives.

Eat God’s Way: FREE Newsletter

Daily encouragement to ditch the Standard American Diet, get healthier & happier, and save money on groceries... without giving up the foods you love or spending all day in the kitchen!

Click here to get it. (page might take a few seconds to load)

Telling better stories means being a better communicator and inspiring people to change and grow!

Recommended Tools:

Here are some of the best tools I use for business and ministry!

1) Email Newsletter Software - Beehiiv

Want to start your own newsletter? For church communication, leadership development, discipleship, or something else? Beehiiv is my go-to tool. I use it everyday and it works great. Totally FREE up to 2500 subscribers!

2) Group Software - Skool

Skool is hands down the simplest, easiest, and BEST group software available right now. I use it for UpLevel Leader coaching and it’s fantastic. Community. Classroom. Calendar.