Ancient Mayan Discovery, Church Growth, and Revelation

I’ve definitely never sent an email with that headline before!

But stick with me for a minute…because it’s pretty cool…

From an email I received this morning:

Ancient Mayan City Discovered

Archaeologists have found an ancient Mayan city in the jungles of the Yucatán Peninsula in southern Mexico using aerial laser mapping technology. The previously unknown city of 123 acres includes pyramid-like structures measuring more than 50 feet in height, a ball court, stone columns, and three plazas. Archaeologists have named the city Ocomtún—the Mayan word for a stone column.

1440 Digest

Ok, that’s pretty cool right?

50 foot tall pyramids and 123 acres of lost city?

I'm a huge Indiana Jones fan because I grew up watching those movies.

There's some thing about archaeology and discovering lost cities that has always fascinated me.

The idea that these incredible cities and even entire civilizations are just below the surface of the sea, jungle, or desert sands is amazing! And, it absolutely reminds me of something important when it comes to leadership.

The power of revelation.

The word revelation means uncovering some thing that already existed. When archaeologists pushed aside the ash and dust over the city of Pompeii they discovered the incredible mosaics and structures that were covered by the eruption of mount Vesuvius. They didn't create the mosaics…they revealed them.

Same thing with the Mayan city. It was already there but now it’s revealed.

This happens with the pastors I work with.

They’re already gifted and called. There are “latent-potential” leaders in their church. The seed of growth is there…I get to help reveal it!

Many times there are incredible discoveries waiting just below the surface that can change the way we think, act, and the results we ultimately see. This has been so evident in the UpLevel Leader program over the past five years.

Hundreds of pastors have discovered incredible strategies, tactics, and fresh ways of thinking that have opened up exponential growth in their Church!

The mission of UpLevel Leader is: Grow the leader. Grow the church.

What’s waiting to be discovered in your church and leadership?

Be encouraged!

On that note, I’ve got room to bring 3 more pastors into UpLevel Leader before the end of the month.

If you’re ready to go on a journey of incredible discovery and challenge…and see your church break whatever growth barrier you’re facing…this is for YOU.

We meet 1 hour a week over ZOOM and provide a team of coaches to help identify your church’s barriers and opportunities…then a custom plan to grow!

But space and time are limited so only 3 more pastors can join before the end of the month.


Pastor Jake