Never Forget

I Hope This Encourages You!

It’s Sunday.

And if you’re like me you’re getting ready for or already at church.

Hopefully your sermon is done…burning in your heart, just waiting to be preached.

Hopefully you’ve got enough faithful people around you to make the service run smoothly.

But no matter what, you need to remember something…

No matter how good or bad the day goes…

What you’re doing MATTERS.

Every sermon you preach.

Every time you open the doors.

Every moment of hospitality.

It is seed going in the ground.

And it makes a difference.

This past week my wife hosted a women’s event at our church and a young lady responded to the salvation call.

Her grandmother wept as she thanked my wife for the event.

Lives are changed by ordinary faithfulness.

So my prayer for you today is that you would be ENCOURAGED!

Because what you’re doing matters now and in eternity.

Keep up the great work, pastor.

And when you’re ready to join a life-giving community of pastors challenging and encouraging each other check out UpLevel Leader right here.


Pastor Jake