In The Nick Of Time

Unlock Evangelistic Urgency

Recently I was on a mission trip to Mexico with my family.

It was a great trip and we saw God move in a powerful way...

But the return trip was a little dicey!

We had a 1 hr layover in Phoenix last night to catch our connecting flight home.

Normally that would be plenty.

But not then...

Because for whatever reason the airport decided to close the main entrance to our departing gate!

And because we were flying in from a foreign country we had to go back through security...

So we ran (not a small feat with 3 kids aged 6,8,10) down to the other gate entrance...

Only to discover a massive logjam of people waiting!

The kids despaired.

My wife and I gave each other a knowing look...

There was no way we were catching the plane home.

It looked like a long night at the airport was in the cards for us.

But my 8 year old son Jack had faith.

He prayed that we'd make it.

But we were stuck...and I mean STUCK.

The line was molasses.

The clock ticked away minute by minute.

Finally our time came to go through security...

A nice TSA agent helped us get through as a family.

Then the race was on!

We ran and ran...squishing past people on the moving conveyor belts and escalators...

I spotted the gate a hundred yards ahead and took off at a full sprint.

Arriving just as the gate agent was closing the door to the plane...

"Wait! We're here!" I shouted.

He turned and said, "I'm shutting the door right now!"

"Please, my family is just around the corner," I pleaded.

"Fine! They have 1 minute to get here or I'm shutting this door," he said.

"Thanks! They'll make it!"

30 seconds later they came running around the corner and we entered the door with it shutting behind us.


30 seconds away from a night in the airport with 3 exhausted kids...

But we made it, got home safely and slept in our own beds.

Nothing like a close call.

We were so grateful!

It reminds me about the power of urgency.

When you really want something you'll do whatever it takes to get it!

We ran like crazy people through an airport.

We asked random strangers if we could cut them in line.

Stuff we'd never normally do...

But we had a goal and a fervent desire to make that plane.

Is that how you feel about reaching people for Christ?

Thing is...most pastors play it safe.

They do what they're comfortable with.

And rarely take risks.

Is it a desire problem?

Or perhaps a lack of clarity on what steps to take?

A few years ago when we planted Joy Church we were 100% committed to do anything (short of sin) to reach people.

So we stepped way out of our comfort zone.

We went door to door in our neighborhood.

Did a TV ad.

And started running short, simple ads on Facebook.

We just did whatever we could.

And God breathed on it!

People came. (still do)

People gave their life to Christ and got baptized. (still do)

The power of urgency at work.

Want to learn more about how we use FB ads to reach people?

It's not the end all be all of evangelism, outreach, or discipleship.

Far from it.

But it is a useful tool to add to your tool belt...and it gets you started!

Super simple 30 second Facebook invite ads.

No flash, no polish, no huge budgets.

But they work.

People see the ads, they visit, and on it goes...


Pastor Jake

How We’re Helping Churches/Businesses Get The Employee Retention Tax Credit (avg. $18,000 per employee)

Right now I’m helping churches get connected with a firm that assists them determine their eligibility for the ERC tax credit. The average check to the church we’ve seen is $18,000 per employee. Incredible right? It’s already been a HUGE blessing to hundreds of churches across the US. But there is a TON of misinformation, misunderstanding, and even scams out there so getting the right help is important. If you’d like more information please click here.