No More Doom And Gloom...

How To Win Right Now At Church

With all the doom and gloom these days I think it's appropriate to say something...

I'm 100% positive about the future of the church!

More than ever people are hungry for something REAL.

A real encounter with Jesus.

Real relationships.

And the church is here for such a time as this.

Yes, I understand the statistics that say we're falling behind.

We need to plant more churches and see existing churches grow.

I get it.

But we have the Holy Spirit on our side!

Already at work in the hearts and minds of the people in YOUR city!

That's why I love helping pastors use simple 30 second invite ads on Facebook to invite people to church.

#1 It works.

- We've seen thousands of people respond over the years and come to church.

#2 It's quick and easy.

- Once you know the system it legitimately only takes about 30 minutes to record and post your invite ad.

#3 It kickstarts evangelism and growth in the church and city.

- Every week our congregation sees the effort we make to invite. And every week someone in the city walks up and says, "Hey aren't you the guy from FB?" Great opportunities to share the gospel.

You can use technology to connect with lost people that the Holy Spirit is already working on...

And that invite to church or an event is often the start of a journey of following Jesus.

If that's something you'd like to learn more about the best place to start is with the Facebook Invitation System course.

It's a short, sweet, practical training on how to invite your whole city to church in less than 30 minutes using simple 30 second Facebook invite ads.

It's already helped over 1500 churches!


Pastor Jake