
Winning The Focus Battle

Here with a quick leadership thought for you today...

One of the battles I fight as a leader is the battle of focus.

It's hard to know what to focus on as a leader with all of the noise of life, the church, family, culture, etc.

So, here's something that's been massively helpful to me.

In the morning as I'm doing my prayer and Bible study I'll just ask God to show me the "one thing."

The "one thing" is one action or task that will make the biggest difference in my life or leadership that I can accomplish first.

It gives me clarity and helps me focus on many levels.

Because, the real power of focus isn't always what you're looking's what you're not looking at.

By identifying one thing to do or work on I get freed from the distraction of "the many."

Accomplishing the "one thing" also guarantees that my day (no matter what else happens) is a success because I accomplished the highest value action and didn't let distraction derail me.

Sometimes the "one thing" is something I've been avoiding...a tough conversation, a difficult project, etc.

Other times it's something that I know will advance the church or build the kingdom but I've putting it off dealing with the details of life.

Go ahead and give yourself permission as a leader to do the BIG stuff first and deal with problems later.

Hope that's helpful to you!

Now, go do "the one thing."

In the meantime, if you need help getting clarity on what to focus on this year as a pastor check out my new resource:

20 Ways To Grow Your Church.

I've bundled it up with a host of other resources including pdfs and over 5 hours of video training...

And it's over 90% off for a limited time...


Pastor Jake