How I Know I'm Over The Target

When Resistance Proves Direction

Yesterday I sent out an email listing the 3 steps necessary for church growth.

And I had some great positive feedback!

But I also got a really weird email from someone else that said, “Churches are owned by Satan and will be destroyed.”


Not true.

And I’ve since removed that individual from my email list.

But here’s what I’ve found after years of sending these emails to encourage and equip pastors…

Opposition Means I’m Over The Target!

As much as I’d prefer to get 100% positive responses…

The resistance shows I’m heading in the right direction by encouraging pastors to embrace a strategic approach to church growth and discipleship!

How can you apply this principle in your own leadership?

Simply observe when you take steps of faith and vision.

Is there demonic resistance?

Who’s yelping the loudest?

Because often you’ll find that the direction God wants you to go stirs up the enemies opposition!

Like my email yesterday…

The principalities and powers of darkness (Eph. 6) absolutely do not want your church to get healthy and grow.

They absolutely don’t want you to invite more people to church.

They don’t want you to get healthy and free as a leader.

So there’s opposition.

Opposition to the message.

Opposition to the messenger.

But all it does is encourage me…

Because I’m over the target.

Three things can help your church grow.

3 steps: Get people - keep people - grow people.

Simple…not easy.

But if you develop a pathway for reaching new people, getting them connected, and helping them develop a life-giving relationship with God you’ll see explosive growth.

A member of our coaching team will be in touch.

Over the target,

Pastor Jake

PS - If you want to get started right away you can get more info and join the coaching program here.