Paint The Picture

The Hidden Power Of Vision Casting

A few years ago when we planted our church we had no money, just a few people, and met in my living room.

But even there I was casting BIG vision.

With about 20 people sitting on old, brown, uncomfortable metal chairs I cast a vision for growth.

I said, "Imagine seeing hundreds of people coming to Jesus. Imagine a church that plants churches. Imagine a church that supports global missions with incredible generosity."

And on it went...

What was I doing?

Painting the picture.

Making it crystal clear.

Because seeing is believing.

When it comes to leading your church into growth it's 100% true!

Belief is a byproduct of vision.

And your church won't believe in your vision until they can see it for themselves.

That's why vision casting is the #1 skill you must have as a leader!

Here's the thing.

Most people don't have the ability to see what doesn't exist.

Over 60% of the population are "present" thinkers.

In other words, they think in the moment and have trouble thinking ahead.

This is why leaders exist!

To paint the picture of a preferred future.

To lead people from here to there.

And the clearer you paint the picture of what God wants to do in and through your church the better!

When your people "see" it they will serve, give, and go all in for the vision...

Most leaders don't understand that vision has four stages.

And those four stages must happen in sequence.

If you skip one or skimp on one it will stop your vision in its tracks.

But when you take your vision through the four stages it creates momentum and buy-in!

The good news is I recently hosted a short, action packed workshop about the "The Four Stages of Vision."

Lead pastors in my coaching program learned how to see their God-given vision become a reality.

The feedback from this session was great so I decided to make it available to you for a limited time.

Paint the picture,

Pastor Jake

PS - This workshop will only be available for the next few days. So don’t miss out!