Pastoring A Church Of 1,000+

Here's what I've been learning about pastoring a church of 1000+

But first some background info…

Nelson Searcy lists 5 key barriers of church growth…

65 - 125 - 250 - 500 - 1000

And I think he’s about right.

Of course, the numbers themselves are simply ranges or areas where membership starts to get stuck.

There are leadership issues that arise at each level.

What I’ve come to discover is that after 1,000 its really about scaling the systems you build at the lower levels.

It’s kind of like baseball.

You throw, hit, run, and catch in little league.

You do the same thing in MLB.

But it’s a whole different ball game (pun intended!)

That’s how church growth levels work.

Once you’ve mastered the systems, structures, and lessons at 65, 125, 250, 500, and 1000 you’re off to the races.

The toughest for me as a pastor has been learning the 500-1000 shift.

Before planting Joy Church I never even attended a church larger than 500…much less leading one.

So it’s been a journey of learning.

Here are some of the key insights I picked up…

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