The Peter Principle

How Success Can Create Failure

Yesterday I shared a perspective about busy people…

Ask them when you need something done!

Because objects in motion tend to stay in motion.

And the people getting stuff done are the ones who can help your church!

But there’s another principle that comes into play once you start developing and releasing leaders…

The Peter Principle.

What Is the Peter Principle? The Peter Principle is an observation that the tendency in most organizational hierarchies, such as that of a corporation, is for every employee to rise in the hierarchy through promotion until they reach a level of respective incompetence.


It’s a bit of a word salad but basically people rise to the level of their incompetence.

Makes sense right?

You might be the best basketball player in middle school but then you get to high school and everyone is a little better…

Then college…gains come at greater cost…the competition improves…

Then the NBA…the best of the best.

And at some point you’re tapped out on performance gains…

This happens a lot in business where great salesmen are put into management but then fail miserably!


Because their skillset was best served at a lower level.

That’s the Peter Principle at work.

But it can be managed and overcome by committing to personal and team leadership development…

And by moving people to the right seat on the bus…putting them in their zone of genius.

As pastors, we’re not just responsible for the spiritual health of the church…

We’re also responsible for the health of the organization!

So understanding the Peter Principle is important…

Want to level up as a leader this year and see your church grow?

It’s professional coaching for pastors designed to help you grow, your team grow, and your church grow!

Can’t wait to work with you pastor…

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake