Reintroductions Are In Order...

Who Is This?

Every once in awhile I like to reintroduce myself to you!

Because I send this newsletter to a lot of pastors and leaders around the world.

And new people join all the time!


So just like we do at church we need to talk about mission, vision, and values for the new friends…

Hi, I’m Jake.

I pastor Joy Church in Eugene, OR along with my wife Bethany.

We’ve got 3 awesome kiddos: Evie, Jack, and Penny.

We started Joy Church back in 2016 with 29 people in our living room and have grown to between 1500-2000 people in the past 8 years…

We now meet in a fun, beautiful remodeled roller skating rink!

It’s been a wonderful journey and I’ve learned a ton along the way that I love sharing with you…

In 2018 I started coaching fellow pastors in church growth and leadership.

And since then have worked with over 600 awesome pastors/churches directly…

And over 3,000 through online courses and trainings!

Over the years I’ve boiled down the coaching system to 3 simple things.

The 3 things that EVERY church…no matter the size or stage…can use to grow!

Here they are…

1) Get People

2) Keep People

3) Grow People

If you and your church can effectively and repeatably do those 3 things…

Watch out!

Because you’re gonna grow and not stop growing!

So, that’s a little about me.

But what I really want is to get to know you!

So, if you’re a lead/senior pastor please hit reply to this email and let me know a little about you.

Where do you pastor? What’s your God-sized-vision and goal for the next season? What challenges or obstacles can I help you solve?

And last but not least, if you’re ready to kickstart massive growth and momentum in your church I’d love to work with you as part of my weekly coaching program: UpLevel Leader.

I’ve got room to take on around 5 pastors this month.

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake