Rhythms And Rooms

How To Unlock Healthy Disciple Making In Your Church

Our mission as pastors isn’t to build churches.

Or increase crowds.

Our mission is to make disciples.

But that starts with healthy outreach and evangelism.

Evangelism and discipleship are two sides of the same coin.

We lead people to Jesus and lead them further in and farther on their journey of following Him.

So how does it work?

First, you need a way to connect with people.

And the best way (other than personal evangelism and inviting which we also teach) is to use social media advertising.

I’m talking about running a super simple 30 second ad on Facebook/Instagram to invite people to church.

This brings in first time guests to our church every Sunday.

But then it’s about helping people follow Jesus.

I think of discipleship in the church through two words.

Rhythm and Rooms

First, rhythms.

Your people need healthy rhythms of relationship with Jesus and each other.

Does your church teach and equip in personal devotions, prayer, and Bible reading?

If your people learn to feed themselves and connect to God it’s a game changer!

They also need rhythms of connecting to one another in life-giving fellowship and community.

Just because you have small groups doesn’t mean they’re working.

Examine the model and culture to make sure real community and connection are happening.

Second, rooms.

The church is a house.

Which is a directly Biblical metaphor.

And every house has multiple rooms for different purposes.

The kitchen for cooking.

The bedroom for sleeping.

The living room for sitting.

And so on and so forth.

Multiple rooms for multiple purposes.

But in many churches they try and push EVERYTHING into the Sunday morning service.

It doesn’t work…unless you spend ALL day in church!

This is why we’ve created various “rooms” in our church in order to facilitate all the wonderful expressions of the church.

These rooms are groups, services, gatherings, with unique purposes.

Not everything happens everywhere but everything happens.

While we might not have the time required to do a deep dive into doctrines on a Sunday morning it DOES happen in another “room” aka a doctrines class offered on Tuesday night.

Make sense?

Rhythms and rooms allows healthy discipleship to happen.

Want to reach more people using simple 30 second invite ads? Click right here to learn how.


Pastor Jake