Rock It On Sunday

How To Double Your Church THIS YEAR

It’s a new year…

And while most resolutions fall flat sometime in February or March…

This one doesn’t have to…

Which resolution?

That your church can DOUBLE this year.

Yeah, I know that’s a big promise…

But we’ve seen it happen for dozens of churches over the past few years in UpLevel Leader.

We provide all the tools you need to make it happen.

Of course God is the one that grows the Church.

But He works through leaders like you and me…

Yes, just ordinary messed up people like us!

It reminds me of something my uncle used to say…

He was pastoring a small church at the time and also running a successful concrete company.

He’d put in crazy long hours and work super hard.

One Saturday I was hanging out with him and my aunt and he said, “Alright, time to get some rest so we can ROCK IT ON SUNDAY!”

I never forgot the way he said it.

In fact, it stuck with me even in building out our ministry model of GREAT Sundays and GREAT small groups.

If you have a great Sunday and great small groups you don’t really need to do anything else!

Want to learn how to massively simplify your work, focus, and output while simultaneously amplifying your impact as a pastor?

And see your church double?

Want to massively grow as a pastor/leader this year?

And see your church attendance, volunteers, and budget grow?

I’m inviting you to join UpLevel Leader.

It’s a coaching program for pastors.

It includes ALL my leadership and church growth courses/resources + a weekly live ZOOM call with me.

I share the latest leadership and pastoral insights.

And for the next 5 pastors I’m offering a 50% discount.

Use code: MOMENTUM.

Rocking it on Sunday,

Pastor Jake

PS - I’ve launched a NEW weekly email newsletter called “The Wise Letter” with my brother Geno. The focus is on being healthy, wealthy, and wise. From a Christ-centered perspective. Click here to check it out!