Saturday Story Time

Just Like The Old Days...

I don’t know about you but I grew up with Saturday morning cartoons!

And it was definitely something I looked forward to every week.

In the sprit of that I’m sending a story today (Saturday). And hopefully you can enjoy it with some cereal or a donut!

Let’s go…

The Legend Of Thinker And Doer

"Once upon a time, there were two seedlings in the forest, named Thinker and Doer. Thinker always dreamed of the sun’s warmth and the rain’s gentle touch but never pushed through the soil to feel them. Doer, however, bravely broke through the ground and reached for the sky.

As time passed, Doer basked in the sunlight and danced in the rain, growing into a strong and beautiful tree. Thinker, on the other hand, remained a seedling, hidden beneath the earth, only imagining what could have been.

Some of the other seedlings that had never pushed through the soil whispered about the dangers and challenges awaiting them above the ground. ‘What about fires?’ said one. ‘Oh, and I’ve heard about storms where the wind blows so strong it can uproot the strongest trees roots!’

On and on they went until Thinker eventually cried out, “Doer, mighty Doer, with your limbs in the sky…shall we grow? Is it difficult and dangerous?”

Doer’s sonorous voice reverberated through his trunk into the ground below. “Yes my friends. There is no danger in the ground but neither is there any delight. I beckon you to grow. Taste the rain. Feel the sun. Breathe the wind.”

Then Thinker thought some more. And some more. Until another season passed. After all, he wasn’t Doer. He was Thinker.”

Pastor, are you Thinker or Doer?

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake