Simple > Complex

Make This Change To Grow!

Recently on my weekly coaching call for pastors I shared the most important principle when it comes to using Facebook ads for your church.

Keep it simple!

Simple always beats complex.

Facebook invite ads are like digital flyers.

Nothing fancy.

The Facebook ad platform simply allows you to amplify the frequency and reach of your church invitations.

Imagine having 10,000 clones of yourself out talking to people and inviting them to church! haha

That's what I use Facebook for.

The strategy I teach doesn't use complex targeting or marketing "secret sauce."

It's a super simple 30 second video ad that we use all the time.

And once you get it up and running...

You can use it again and again.

We rotate our ads about once a month.

And typically do new ones for Big Days and special sermon series.

Which reminds me...

There's still time to get a campaign in place to invite more people to your church for Easter Sunday!

But I wouldn't wait if I were you.

Because you'll wan to run your ad for at least a week leading up to Easter.

Here's a great little strategy.

Use the "Almost Perfect Church Invite" script I give as a bonus in my course.

Change the CTA (call to action) to an invite to your Easter Sunday service (online or in-person).

Re-target the people that engage with the ad with the same invite ad.

That's a winning recipe.

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake

Has your church or business received the Employee Retention Credit?

If not, it’s worth finding out if you’re eligible!

I just heard from a church that they’re expecting almost $20,000 back in their credit. Praise God!

Nothing to lose by finding out if your church or business qualifies…